Xcode 15.0.1 (15A507) 发布下载 - Apple 平台 IDE
Xcode 15.0.1 (15A507) - Apple 平台 IDE
IDE for iOS/iPadOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS/visonOS
visonOS 支持已更新。
Xcode 15 使您能够为所有 Apple 平台开发、测试和分发应用程序。通过增强的代码完成、交互式预览和实时动画,更快地编写和设计您的应用程序。使用 Git staging 在不离开代码的情况下制作下一次提交。通过重新设计的带有视频记录的测试报告探索和诊断您的测试结果 (sysin)。并开始从 Xcode Cloud 无缝部署到 TestFlight 和 App Store。创建出色的应用程序从未如此简单。
现在,Xcode 15 在 Mac App Store 上的体积缩小了 50%,并为所有平台提供了可下载的模拟器运行时。增强的代码完成功能可帮助您更快地编写更安全的代码,现在可以引用您的所有资产。由于编译器的改进和针对 Apple 芯片的多核架构优化的全新链接器,项目构建速度更快。
新的书签导航器可帮助您跟踪代码中的地标并组织您的任务。本地化资产在新的 String Catalog 中得到了简化,为您提供了一种集中的方式来查看和更新它们 (sysin)。文档在 Xcode 15 中大放异彩,具有精美的新设计和实时预览功能。
Swift 和 SwiftUI
Swift、SwiftUI 和 Xcode 15 协同工作。在新的 Swift 宏的支持下,Xcode 预览更易于使用,现在可以跨 SwiftUI、UIKit 和 AppKit 工作。新的交互式时间轴可帮助您开发和设计小部件 (sysin)。使用不同的平台和设备更容易:您可以直接在预览画布中选择它们,以确保您的视图在任何地方看起来都很棒。
Xcode 15 和 Xcode Cloud 无缝协作。Xcode Cloud 是 Xcode 中内置的持续集成和交付服务,专为 Apple 开发人员设计。只需几分钟即可开始构建您的应用程序,实时构建状态、精美的报告以及自动分发给您的测试人员和用户。
下载 Xcode 并使用这些资源为所有 Apple 平台构建应用程序。
Xcode 15.0 Release
系统要求:macOS Ventura 13.5 or later
September 18, 2023
Xcode 15
September 18, 2023
Xcode 15 enables you to develop, test, and distribute apps for all Apple platforms. You can download the platforms you would like to develop for directly from Xcode. For development with the visonOS 1 SDK, continue to use Xcode 15 beta 8.
- Xcode 15.dmg, 4.05 GB
下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1J5q-3uhgkre45rkYSbg4Lw?pwd=flkw
Additional Tools for Xcode 15
September 18, 2023
This package includes audio, graphics, hardware I/O, and other auxiliary tools. These tools include AU Lab, OpenGL Driver Monitor, OpenGL Profiler, Pixie, Quartz Debug, CarPlay Simulator, HomeKit Accessory Simulator, IO Registry Explorer, Network Link Conditioner, PacketLogger, Printer Simulator, 64BitConversion, Clipboard Viewer, Crash Reporter Prefs, Dictionary Development Kit, Help Indexer, and Modem Scripts.
- Additional Tools for Xcode 15.dmg, 30.06 MB
下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/166mdaFBjMZ4lBM24p18nCg?pwd=qv5b
Font Tools for Xcode 15
September 18, 2023
- Font Tools for Xcode 15.dmg, 9.37 MB
下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/10zu21ly1vmS3f2KYaBJTNw?pwd=4yp3
Command Line Tools for Xcode 15
September 18, 2023
This package enables UNIX-style development via Terminal by installing command line developer tools, as well as macOS SDK frameworks and headers. Many useful tools are included, such as the Apple LLVM compiler, linker, and Make. If you use Xcode, these tools are also embedded within the Xcode IDE.
- Command Line Tools for Xcode 15.dmg, 705.58 MB
下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UQaH-8etMrleLWHNyi3Guw?pwd=xhw4
iOS 17 Simulator Runtime
September 18, 2023
This includes the simulator runtime for iOS. The simplest way to install the iOS simulator runtime is by using Xcode. Xcode can automatically install it when you build a project or start a new one. If you want to manually add this simulator to Xcode, you can find the instruction here: Installing Additional Simulator Runtimes
- iOS 17 Simulator Runtime.dmg, 7.04 GB
下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gaeYES0sUr0Dn1STXP5ZTw?pwd=8pjc
tvOS 17 Simulator Runtime
September 18, 2023
This includes the simulator runtime for tvOS. The simplest way to install the tvOS simulator runtime is by using Xcode. Xcode can automatically install it when you build a project or start a new one. If you want to manually add this simulator to Xcode, you can find the instruction here: Installing Additional Simulator Runtimes
- tvOS 17 Simulator Runtime.dmg, 3.49 GB
下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fOcE1y_5WEH1WWLSTe6Uew?pwd=ekx7
watchOS 10 Simulator Runtime
September 18, 2023
This includes the simulator runtime for watchOS. The simplest way to install the watchOS simulator runtime is by using Xcode. Xcode can automatically install it when you build a project or start a new one. If you want to manually add this simulator to Xcode, you can find the instruction here: Installing Additional Simulator Runtimes
- watchOS 10 Simulator Runtime.dmg, 3.75 GB
下载链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vcXSs469rxnuJia5VMpJVA?pwd=n9pj
Game porting toolkit 1.0
October 5, 2023
Use the game porting toolkit to eliminate months of up-front work and evaluate how well your game could run on the Mac before writing any code.
- Game porting toolkit 1.dmg, 26.65 MB
Metal shader converter 1.0
October 11, 2023
Metal shader converter provides tools to convert existing DXIL shaders, compiled from HLSL, to Metal and take full advantage of Apple silicon performance with support for all shader stages, simplified shader conversion pipelines, and faster build times.
For additional details, please see the release notes attached.
- Metal Shader Converter 1.0.pdf, 1.27 MB
- Metal Shader Converter 1.0.pkg, 51.41 MB
Metal shader converter for Windows 1.0
October 11, 2023
Metal shader converter provides tools to convert existing DXIL shaders, compiled from HLSL, to Metal and take full advantage of Apple silicon performance with support for all shader stages, simplified shader conversion pipelines, and faster build times.
For additional details, please see the release notes attached.
- Metal Shader Converter for Windows 1.0.pdf, 1.27 MB
- Metal Shader Converter for Windows 1.0.exe, 14.00 MB
Xcode 15.0.1
系统要求:macOS Ventura 13.5 or later
October 18, 2023
Xcode 15.0.1 (15A507)
Xcode 15.0.1 includes SDKs for iOS 17, iPadOS 17, tvOS 17, watchOS 10, and macOS Sonoma. The Xcode 15.0.1 release supports on-device debugging in iOS 12 and later, tvOS 12 and later, and watchOS 4 and later. Xcode 15.0.1 requires a Mac running macOS Ventura 13.5 or later.
- Xcode 15.0.1 (15A507)
下载链接: https://sysin.org/blog/apple-xcode-15/
visionOS 1 beta 4 Simulator Runtime
October 3, 2023
This includes the simulator runtime for visionOS. The simplest way to install the visionOS simulator runtime is by using Xcode. Xcode can automatically install it when you build a project or start a new one. To manually add this simulator to Xcode, read Installing Additional Simulator Runtimes. Note: Developing for visionOS requires a Mac with Apple silicon.
- visionOS 1 beta 4 Simulator Runtime.dmg, 6.59 GB
下载链接: https://sysin.org/blog/apple-xcode-15/
iOS 17.0.1 Simulator Runtime
October 3, 2023
This includes the simulator runtime for iOS. The simplest way to install the iOS simulator runtime is by using Xcode. Xcode can automatically install it when you build a project or start a new one. If you want to manually add this simulator to Xcode, you can find the instruction here: Installing Additional Simulator Runtimes
- iOS 17.0.1 Simulator Runtime.dmg, 6.72 GB
下载链接: https://sysin.org/blog/apple-xcode-15/