
育碧今日公布了《英雄无敌6》中一段剧情“血泪之路(The path of blood and tears)”的预告片。



The world of Ashan is at war. Ashan世界处在战火之中。
Blood is the price of peace. 和平的代价就是流血伤亡。
The Blind Brothers had predicted a new eclipse.  盲眼兄弟会已经预见了新的衰败。
Sheogh walls will shake. Ashan will be overwhelmed by the chaos and darkness rebuild this destroyed world. Sheogh之墙已被撼动。Ashan将被混乱所吞噬,而黑暗终将重建这个被毁坏的世界。
But only with tears reveal the truth. 然而只有泪光才能揭示真相。
My father died. 我的父亲死了。
Betrayal. 背叛
It was you who killed your father. 是你杀了自己的父亲。
It wasn't me. 不是我。
Damnation. 诅咒
Revenge. 复仇
Approach, children urgash. Toghrul revenge! avenge the tribe! 来吧孩子。一雪前耻!
This is my decision. I swear to serve the Spider Queen. 这是我的决定。我发誓效忠蜘蛛女王。
Acting in the shadows? 在暗影中行动?
Choose your allegiance. 选择你所效忠。
You have used to kill my father? 你杀了我的父亲么?
We do not kill slava.we will help you discover who did it. 我们没有杀了他。我们会帮你找出谁杀了他。
The path of blood and tears. 血泪之路。


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