
  先说说《幻痛》刚刚公布时候的事儿。在2012年12月8日的2012 Spike VGA上,一款名为《幻痛》的作品由白鲸工作室(Moby Dick Studio)公布,后来小岛秀夫亲自证实这不过是自己的小把戏,《幻痛》即为《合金装备》系列最新续作《合金装备5》。



  说道白鲸(Moby Dick),《合金装备5:幻痛》其实从中借鉴了很多元素(例如Ishmael、Ahab、Peqoud等名字),而这本书在最初发售的时候竟然也没有结尾,并且缺失了一些章节,颇似以白鲸为名公布的《合金装备5:幻痛》。



Prologue 序章

Awakening 苏醒

Chapter 1 – Revenge 第一章 - 复仇

Episode 1: Phantom Limbs 幻肢

Episode 2: Diamond Dogs 钻石犬

Episode 3: A Hero’s Way 英雄之路

Episode 4: C2W

Episode 5: Over The Fence 穿越

Episode 6: Where Do The Bees Sleep 蜂栖何处

Episode 7: Occupation Force 占领军

Episode 8: Red Brass 红铜

Episode 9: Back Up

Back Down 援进,撤退

Episode 10: Angel With A Broken Wing 折翼天使

Episode 11: Cloaked In Silence 匿踪于静

Episode 12: Through The Hole 穿洞

Episode 13: The Enemy Of My Enemy 敌人之敌

Chapter 2 – Dark Depths 第二章 - 黑暗深渊

Episode 1: Hellbound 地狱边界

Episode 2: From The Inside 从内而发

Episode 3: Bad Dreams 恶梦

Episode 4: Domination 支配

Episode 5: Old Bones 老骨头

Episode 6: Dangerous Wisdom 危险之智

Episode 7: State Of Exception 化外之境

Episode 8: Dirt Work 肮脏活

Episode 9: Open Hands 敞开双手

Episode 10: Diamonds In The Sky 天空之钻

Episode 11: Ghosts 鬼魂

Episode 12: Playing With Monsters 与魔共游

Episode 13: Kill The Beast 杀那野兽

Episode 14: Green Light 绿光

Episode 15: Coup De Grace 怜悯之杀

Episode 16: Lurking In The Dark 匿伏暗处

Episode 17: Open Minds 敞开心胸

Episode 18: No Slaves 无奴隶

Episode 19: Club Of The Unseen 无形俱乐部

Episode 20: Two-Way Race 双边竞赛

Episode 21: Traitors’ Caravan 叛徒篷车

Episode 22: Fire and Cold Ashes 燃灰,冷灰

Chapter 3 – The Costs Of Revenge 第三章 - 復仇代价

Episode 1: Pestilence 瘟疫

Episode 2: Phantom Pain 幻痛

Episode 3: Madness Of Men 疯狂之众

Episode 4: Three 叁

Episode 5: Isolation 隔离

Episode 6: Severed Family 家破

Episode 7: Fatal Massages 致命讯息

Episode 8: Voices 声音

Episode 9: Corrupted 破灭

Episode 10: Midnight Raid 夜袭

Episode 11: In The Face Of Pain 在痛颜中

Episode 12: The Beauty Of The Battlefield 战地佳人

Episode 13: Manufactured Skin 人造皮肤

Episode 14: Homonculus 人体鍊成

Episode 15: There Are No Heroes 本无英雄

Chapter 4 – Punishing Words 第四章 - 惩治之词

Episode 1: Sins Of The Father 父亲之罪

Episode 2: Loyalty 忠诚

Episode 3: No Turning Back 去不復还

Episode 4: Metallic Archaea 金属古菌

Episode 5: Sahelanthropus 查德人猿

Episode 6: War Is Peace I 战争即和平1

Episode 7: Condition: Comatose 状态:昏迷中

Episode 8: War Is Peace II 战争即和平2

Chapter V – Confrontation 第五章 - 对抗

Episode 1: Pale Shadows Of Forgotten Names 遗忘之名,苍白之影

Episode 2: Truth: The Man Who Sold The World 真相:出卖世界的男人

Episode 3: Demons 恶魔们

Epilogue 尾章

Demons In The Cold Of The Night 冷夜恶魔

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